I am going to get out of debt, fix our car, buy a new car, fix up our house the way we want it, pay for medical bills for now and in the future, and finally go on vacation!!! My first note deal I'm going to make $1670.00. ..... Deda Berente says: Step #1: Think of EXACTLY how much money you'd like to make on your first note deal. Be precise ? down to the penny! $30150.00. Step #2: Think of EXACTLY when you'd like to receive your money. Be ambitious but realistic here. ...
I am going to get out of debt, fix our car, buy a new car, fix up our house the way we want it, pay for medical bills for now and in the future, and finally go on vacation!!! My first note deal I'm going to make $1670.00. ..... Deda Berente says: Step #1: Think of EXACTLY how much money you'd like to make on your first note deal. Be precise ? down to the penny! $30150.00. Step #2: Think of EXACTLY when you'd like to receive your money. Be ambitious but realistic here. ...
Berente Imréné, Tatárszentgyörgy polgármestere az Indexnek azt mondta: reggel ő is csak a tűzesetről értesült, és amikor kiment a helyszínre, a hozzátartozók ott kezdték el mondogatni neki, hogy ez nem egyszerű tűzeset volt. ...